Надо будет запилить... Зеленый/Желтый/Розовый/Синий/краный дым
А также Зеленый/Желтый/Розовый/Синий/краную кровь
А также Зеленый/Желтый/Розовый/Синий/краную Воду
acid_water blood_water вырезать, сделать
paint_smoke 1-6
paint_water 1-6
paint_blood 1-6
paint_lava* 1-6
paint_door 1-6 (теже цвета + полупрозрачность)
Вырезать дефолтную команду "bg " по аналогии с r_mode
заменить на xbg таким образом чтобы при вводе команды
bg 1-54 бакграунды подргружались сразу из tribes.d !!!
Вот эта крутой костыль будет Добавлено (2012-10-01, 17:09)
Game Types
BOUNTY: Like Deathmatch, except that each player only pursues one
target at a time. A player can only hunt a new target after he has elimi-
nated his current ibounty.i You suffer a penalty for killing players who
are not your current bounty, except for the player currently hunting you.
CAPTURE AND HOLD (CnH): Each team must capture a number of
objectives, which are usually found in bunkers or towers. Once an
objective is captured, all assets associated with it come under the cap-
turing teamis control. A team gets points for the time it retains control
of an objective.
CAPTURE THE FLAG (CTF): The objectives of CTF are twofold: cap-
ture the enemyis flag and protect your own. A flag is icappedi when a
player successfully takes the enemy flag (accomplished by touching it)
and touches it to his own flag. Each teamis base flag locations are auto-
matically waypointed for all players.
DEATHMATCH (DM): Straight kill-or-be-killed, everyone for himself com-
petition. Victory goes to the player with the highest kill-to-death ratio.
HUNTERS: A hybrid of CTF and Deathmatch. Every time you kill an
enemy, he drops a flag you can collect by running over it. To score,
return accumulated flags to the Nexus. Each new flag represents a
number of additional points equal to the total number of flags you hold.
TEAM HUNTERS: Similar to Hunters, but in teams rather than a free-
for-all. Teams can pool flags to boost their scores.
RABBIT: In Rabbit, only a single flag exists. Whenever anyone takes the
flag, all other players try to kill him. The longer he keeps it, the more
points he gets.
SIEGE: One team defends a control switch within its base while another
team tries to capture it. Once the switch is touched (thus instantly cap-
turing the base) or the time limit expires, the teams switch places and
start again.